We Buy And Sell Gear


Guitarsofa has been the premier guitar store in Hong Kong for over a decade, specialising in used and collector grade instruments. Do you have an instrument that you would like to let go of, to make room for a new one? Please get in touch with our staff and ask for a quote!


Selling Direct

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  • The most straight forward way of selling your gear is to sell it direct to us. Walk in with an instrument and walk out with cash! 

  • Selling straight would require a previous quote and on-the-spot inspection when the instrument is brought to our shop


To get started, send us an email at sales@guitarsofa.com or on Whatsapp, +(852)5130 2113, along with a detailed description of your instrument along with pictures (the more the better).  To help us get back to you sooner, please include the following information in

your email/message:

[Name], [Make and Model of Instrument], [Year of Instrument]

